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Gordon Williams blacksmith

Blacksmithing... making what was invisible, visible. Creating an object, a tool, an item of function or beauty, where once there was only raw material... This is what we teach at Zion Blacksmith School. ~Gordon Williams

Blacksmith is fun working the torch
Zion Blacksmith School in session
Zion Blacksmith School
giving advice blacksmith technique
Joe slot punching forged table legs
learn to blacksmith rose in forge
Eric's bow forged in 3 day class
Gordon teaches Terry to blacksmith
wire wheel brushing forged oak leaf
clean up forged pine cone
splitting ears on forged steer head
Gordon Williams gives blacksmith ins
learning to forge 3-d leaf
learn joinery in advanced blacksmith
cleaning the steel
tweaking hot steel
David Seigrist forging leaves
Zion Blacksmith School student at work
finished wine rack
Blacksmithing explained
Skillfully forged leaf
Blacksmith teacher Gordon Williams
Brian from Colorado
Forging hot leafs
checking plumb on forged table
Gordon Williams demonstrating
Women learning for forge at Zion Blacksmith school
advanced blacksmith class project
cleaning grapes in blacksmith class
Realistic hand forged leaf
starting a leaf
Learn to blacksmith Gordon Williams
Gordon Williams blacksmith striker
3 day blacksmith class at Pieh Tool
Strike while the iron is hot
Carl forges a feather
manipulating steel in vice
never too young to blacksmith
Heads down everyone blacksmithing
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